through will or trust
Leave a Gift to Fast Friends in Your Will or Trust
Helping dogs in need is an important part of your life. Including a charitable bequest to Fast Friends in your will or trust means you will continue transforming lives for years to come. The legacy of kindness and generosity that you create ensures retired racing Greyhounds and other sighthounds from around the world can come to Fast Friends where they will receive top-notch veterinary care, healthy food, and enrichment to prepare them for their new lives in the loving homes they deserve.
You can gift:
A stated dollar amount
A percentage of your residual estate (what remains after gifts to loved ones and expenses have been paid), or
A specific asset, such as securities
Get started today
Contact your financial advisor or estate planner to let them know you are interested in giving to Fast Friends. Your personal financial advisor can help you select the planned giving option that best fits your personal, financial, and estate-planning needs.
Most planned giving is done through a will or living trust, but Fast Friends can accept other assets. Please ask your advisor or attorney to contact us at fastfriends@helpinggreyhounds.org or 603-355-1556 to discuss if Fast Friends can accept certain assets.
The following language is meant to aid you and your attorney in drafting a bequest:
I give to Fast Friends of 14 West Swanzey Rd, Swanzey, NH 03446 (Mailing Address: PO Box 10093, Swanzey, NH 03446), Federal Tax Identification Number: 02-0460134, or its successor, [$DOLLARS OR PERCENT% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to be used for its general charitable purposes.
Fast Friends does not provide legal, financial, or tax advice and recommends donors consult with their attorney, financial advisor, or accountant about the tax implications of donating to charity.
Other ways to give
– through PayPal
– through Venmo (@fastfriends in the app)
– by calling 603-355-1556 with your credit card
– by sending a check or money order to: Fast Friends, PO Box 10093, Swanzey, NH 03446