Foods to Avoid
Human Foods toxic to dogs
This is not a comprehensive list, but provides guidance on some of the more common foods you may be tempted to give your dog.
Onions Both onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient Thiosulphate. But onions are more of a danger. Many dog biscuits contain *small* amounts of garlic – garlic contains less of this toxin so huge amounts would need to be consumed to be toxic. This poison builds up in the system so it can be toxic in one large dose or with repeated consumption of small amounts.
Chocolate Chocolate contains Theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. This can be fatal to dogs.
Grapes and Raisins Grapes and raisins are dangerous because of an unknown substance which is toxic to dogs – it affects canine kidneys.
Most Fruit Pits and Seeds Though the fruit itself may be OK, the pits and seeds contain Cyanogenic Glycosides, resulting in cyanide poisoning.
Macadamia Nuts Macadamia nuts contain an unknown substance that is toxic to dogs.
Bones Most bones, especially chicken bones, should not be given because they can splinter and cause laceration of the digestive system and/or become lodged in your pet’s throat – so they also pose a choking hazard.)
Potato Peelings and Green Potatoes, also Rhubarb These contain Oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
Broccoli Broccoli is only toxic in large quantities.
Green parts of Tomatoes Also contain Oxalates.
Yeast Dough Yeast dough can produce gas and swell in your dog’s stomach – leading to rupture of the digestive system.
Coffee, Coffee Grounds, Tea, and Soft Drinks These drinks are dangerous due to their caffeine content.
Beer, Wine, and Alcohol Alcohol of any kind could lead to coma or even death.
Human Vitamins Human vitamins, especially those containing iron, can cause damage to the lining of the digestive system as well as cause kidney and liver damage.
Moldy or Spoiled Food
Persimmons Persimmons can cause intestinal blockage.
Raw Eggs and Raw Fish Raw eggs and some raw fish can cause Salmonella poisoning.
Salt, Baking Soda, and Baking Powder In large amounts, these can cause an electrolyte imbalance – and severe electrolyte imbalances can lead to muscle spasm or even congestive heart failure.
Mushrooms Mushrooms may contain toxins which could cause liver and kidney damage.
Sugar-Free Foods Sugar-free foods containing Xylitol have been found to cause liver failure in some dogs.
Nutmeg Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures, and central nervous system damage.
Excessive Fatty Foods Excessive fatty foods can cause Pancreatitis.
Avocado All parts of the avocado and avocado tree are toxic to dogs.
Dairy Products Dairy products don’t usually pose a great danger, but many dairy products have high fat content. Many pets are also lactose intolerant – some more than others. Lactose intolerance leads to gas and diarrhea; though small amounts of yogurt and cheese are usually fairly well tolerated.
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